Wednesday, 5 May 2010

I am a domestic goddess and an impatient mess all in one.

So I'm still obsessed with cooking stuff - especially bread and cakes. I know. As mum already put it 'You're going to be the size of a house'. I'm trying not to become such a monstrosity, though it is hard when everything's just so delicious! I'm going to start sending my bread and cakes, if only so I don't devour them. Let me know if you want one!

This morning I made what I believe is the greatest home-made bread known to mankind. But I am biased.
Here's a little picture of my yummy bread: (there were 2 more rolls, but I ate them. Nom nom nom)

Ok, so they may not be perfectly formed, and yes, that one is heart shaped but the just so good! Maybe I was just light headed from all the kneading.... 

Unfortunately the carrot cake was not so successful. The last one turned out ok, this one was far from it.
It started once the mix was made and I poured it into the tin. There may  have been a huge clue, as the mix stopped millimetres from the top, but as I watched it in the oven it reached the top and stopped. Perfect! 
Mum put a quiche in below it, and the carrot cake got its 10 minute poke test. Still liquid in the middle but bound to get better. 
10 minutes later, I take the quiche out and see a grotesque growth on the back half of it. 
Then I see it. All down the back of the oven are stalagmites and stalactites of carrot cake - Cheddar Gorge has nothing on the inside of my oven! 
I cleaned most of it out before I took this picture:


The rest of the cake has now sunk. One onlooker has made the suggestion of heating it up and eating it with ice-cream. I shan't. I don't want to balloon.

In other news, I have planted a salad mix in a pot for summer:



I also tried  to plant some chilli. I did very well, until it came to putting the seeds in the soil - they were no where to be seen.  As you can imagine, that made planting them rather tricky. Now, as some of you may know, I do not  have the patience of a saint, so instead of looking for them in the 'barn' I went into the kitchen, grabbed a chilli out of the cupboard and shoved it in the soil. I think the sign says it all really:

                                  Grow Dammit

Yesterday (possibly the day before) my dad's brother and his family came round for tea. Whilst Aunt, sister, cousin #1 and #2 and I were in the kitchen, eating carrot cake, uncle and mum were in the Well Room trying to change the light bulb in the well (our house used to be the village pub, and there's a rather deep well with a 2inch thick glass plate over the top of the old well...).

Imagine, if you will, a loud Glaswegian scream: 'CASSIE, CAAAAAAASSIE!!' 
I should explain Cassie is my cat. My cat that had taken a running jump into the open well. 
Cue further panic and my uncle, who is  luckily a fireman, lean into the well and pluck her out. I say pluck, yank out by her neck is probably more like it! She had clawed her way up part of the wall and was headed towards the over-spill pipe before he got her. 
She was then flung at me, so I rang out her tail and got her a towel.

I have never laughed so much at a poor helpless animal!

Actually that's a lie. When she was a kitten she was in the garden, leaping through the grass, dancing in the breeze, pawing at a passing butterfly. She sprung into the air, caught the butterfly, and landed with an almighty splash in the pond. 2/9 gone.

F xx 


  1. Thanks =P

    I keep laughing to myself and am scared you think I've gone mad!
    Don't judge me!
