Friday 23 April 2010

Things I'm telling you now:

Firstly, I am going to have a little rant. Just a little one.
You know I've been excited about Hop Farm Festival, well now they have announced Van Morrison is playing Friday night! Only thing is, this isn't included in the weekend camping and Saturday tickets I've already bought. The only tickets on sale up until now. With not even a hint that there would be another line-up and more tickets to buy. In all fairness, they have said there will be 'entertainment' in the campsite for those that don't want to buy another £45+ ticket. Though I can't help but imagine a begrudged Festival rep doing lame card tricks while the 20 die -hard Van M fans scream in the next field... I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed in you HFF.
I still love you though.

In the UK, it's the run up to election, and while I am taking an interest (first time voter! Woo!), I am getting a bit tired of all the catty media comments and it being the top trending topic in twitter. I know, I know, it's important but when it comes to choosing the worst of a supposedly bad bunch, it's hard not to lose morale. I like Nick Clegg though - he has nice eyebrows.

When we lived in Australia, we met a lovely family. They are, if you will, our best friend family. They have 2 sons, my parents have 2 daughters. Wedding plans have always been going on - one point it was a hindu wedding in a tub of vaseline... I don't know how that one occured!
But now we're all grown up, and no longer share baths, I no longer get 4th hand clothes. I do, however, have a shopping soulmate! The mother of said family, who I have literary known all my life has the same taste in clothes, style, shopping ethic and she encourages me to buy lovely things! Oh, and she bought me the sweetest,softest, most beautiful jumper from White Stuff - I love it!

I may have made a very real, very stupid mistake. I think I may have taught myself the guitar wrong. Not everything, but a very large portion. And before you think I'm a fool, it's not as stupid as it sounds. Actually, it might be - I have no idea about the extent to which I have messed it up. Tits.

A quick YAY! for sunny weather, planes brining people I like back home, M&S elderflower presse, Lincoln's Vegetarian cafe/irregular choice shoe shop (it really is my heaven!) and being one step closer to learning to surf this summer!


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